Progress 4[09/06/24]Progress 3[30/05/24][Update 31/05/2024]Progress 2[29/05/24]Progress[18/05/24]It'll have a middle piece (the octagon) and then boxes which appear when you click the buttons. I wanna use iframes but i've never used them before; hope they're not complete ass for what i want to do :D Blink animation tutorial[18/04/24]/* Animation keyframes */ @keyframes blink1 { 0% {opacity: 0;} 14.2% {opacity: 1;} 28.4% {opacity: 0;} 42.6% {opacity: 1;} 56.8% {opacity: 0;} 71% {opacity: 1;} 85.2% {opacity: 0;} 100%{opacity: 1;} } /* Class identifier */ .blinkanim1 { animation-name: blink1; animation-duration: .2s; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: steps(1); } <div class="blinkanim1"> stuff </div> animation-timing-function should stay at steps(1) though. /* Animation keyframes */ @keyframes blink2 { 0% {opacity: 0;} 75% {opacity: 1;} 85% {opacity: 0;} 100% {opacity: 1;} } /* Class identifier */ .blinkanim2 { animation-name: blink2; animation-duration: .3s; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: steps(1); } Makes sense? cool. Another one[17/04/24]Pengis[14/04/24]Currently debating over storing all the pages in one big folder or using multiple folders for specific areas. Update:Shiet[03/04/24][Secret][23/03/24]Update:Update 24/03/2024:Very Big Disc™[09/03/24]learning to paint[05/03/24]youtube[21/02/24]Burnout but not quite[12/02/24]School boring[11/01/24]Happy new year!!![01/01/24]survive grow online presence (specifically youtube) do good in coleg money inspire innovate four by three[31/12/23]Pingus[27/12/23]Life is so boring.,,,.[25/12/23]Benadryl[25/11/23]Let me draw[10/11/23]Six. Nine. Four. Two. Zero.[25/10/23]Testing complete[xx/xx/23]Title T[14/08/23]Title T[14/08/23]Title T[14/08/23]Title T[14/08/23] |
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