It has come to our (the neocities community's) attention that people have been stealing images and text from various neocities sites and uploading them to a cryptocurrency site. They're also impersonating those whom they steal from, linking false Twitter profiles, Telegram channels and fake websites to these cryptocurrencies. There's not much reason to worry, though, as most of these coins were essentially dead from the start and are very unlikely to grain traction again. We're currently documenting each of these coins and their related fake accounts to make them easier to report.
If your site is being used / impersonated for one of these tokens, please contact
The following goes without saying:
- None of these websites are affiliated with these cryptocurriences.
- Don't harass websites if they're affected, many user's don't care or don't want to be dragged into this.
- Don't harass the creators of these cryptocurrencies, it's frustrating but attacking them only stirs the pot. Let the coins die naturally while we document.
- This shouldn't affect how you operate your website. People steal art all of the time unfortunately, this case has only brought special attention due to the scope of impersonation.
Edit: I've managed to remove the tokens off of the site via copyright notice, and I will continue to remove them from any other sites which happen to list them. Here's a link to a google doc which states each known instance of this act.
This message will only display once.
Good luck,
copy pasted and edited from